What is the name of this historical work?
Correct Answer: The Scream
What is the name of this unique work?
What is the name of this unique work?

"The Scream" is one of the representative works of the Norwegian expressionist painter Edward Munch. The main part of the picture is an extremely painful expression against the blood red. The red background originated from the eruption of the Krakatau volcano in Indonesia in 1883. The volcanic ash stained the sky red. The location in the painting is the Oslo Fjord overlooking the Okerberg Mountain. Some people believe that the work reflects the artistic conception of modern people being disturbed by existential anxiety. This set of paintings has a wide range of subjects, with the basic theme of Acura "life, love and death", using symbolic and metaphoric techniques, revealing the worries and fears of the "end of the century" of mankind.

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