What is the name of this famous painting?
Correct Answer: Girl With a Pearl Earring
Which of the following is the name of this work?
Which of the following is the name of this work?

"The Girl with a Pearl Earring" is an oil painting completed in 1665 by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer in the 17th century. It is one of Johannes Vermeer's masterpieces. It is now in the collection of the Royal Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague, Netherlands. The painting depicts a young girl in brown clothes and a yellow and blue headscarf. She has an extraordinary temperament. She is calm and calm in tranquility, and her expression is lifelike. It seems to be both reserved and melancholy. She has a sad expression of seemingly nothing, and a glimpse of surprise makes her look like a beacon in the dark, dazzling, and plain emotions have the charm of purifying the human soul. The painting uses an all-black background to set off the outline of the girl. It seems that she is a bright light in the night, with a slight brilliance, not dazzling or dazzling, and very gentle. A strong visual effect is formed in the picture. It is so beautiful. The eye-catching blue and yellow on the girl’s headscarf are set against the black background. A few delicate strokes show sparkling pearls. She uses superb techniques to show light and shadow on her radiant skin. Her eyes are like a clear spring. : All of this has created an extraordinary beauty for this painting. The girl seemed to have a similar feeling. We may not know who she is, but we will feel like we met her at first, because she is looking at us kindly.

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