Vertigo is a psychological thriller directed by British director Alfred Hitchcock in 1958, adapted from the novel "The Living and the Dead" written by Povarro Narsegak in 1954. The script of the movie was written by Alex Koper and Samuel Taylor.
In this movie, James Stewart plays a former police detective, John "Scotty" Ferguson. He suffered from dizziness and depression after a mission, and had to retire early. He was then hired as a private investigator to track down a misbehaving lady Madeleine Elsett (played by Kim Luwah).
The film was set in San Francisco, California and Paramount Studios in Hollywood. The movie uses a lot of Dolly Zoom (360-degree rotation of the lens) photography technique to show Scottie's fear of heights, so this technique is also called the "vertigo effect".
When the film was first released, the reviews were mixed, but it gradually became widely praised, and was later called Hitchcock's classic film and a milestone in his directorial career. "Victorius" is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies in history. In 2008, exactly 50 years after the film was released, the American Film Institute voted it as the greatest suspense film in a century; in 2012, the British Film Institute "Video and Hearing" magazine selected it as the top ten greatest films in history. .
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