One of the AFI Heroes-What is Atticus Finch's profession?
Correct Answer: lawyer

AFI's 100 Years…50 Heroes and Villains is a list of 50 heroes and 50 villains selected by the American Film Institute from 100 American movies. It is one of the important materials of the AFI 100 Years Series of the American Film Institute. June 2003. This series was first publicized in a special program hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger on CBS Television, and his program was nominated for Emmy Awards.

Atticus Finch is a fictional character in "The Story of Meigang City" and "Set Up the Watchman". Established by Harper Lee based on his father Emasa Lee, Atticus is Jane Louis "Scott" Fincher and Jim Atticus "Jem" Fincher His father is also a lawyer in Meigang City.

Atticus Finch is one of the 50 heroes selected by AFi

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