GTA V gives players a lot of options for how to enjoy the game. However, there are a lot of crazy things you probably didn't know you could do.
Rockstar Games' flagship title is filled with an abundance of content in the form of easter eggs and mysteries to keep players engaged. Grand Theft Auto V has grossed billions of dollars, and for a good reason; it has distinguished itself in the crowded open-world genre.
They never added things like the stock market, gambling (coming soon), or a single-player DLC but they did leave plenty of small nuances that give the game lasting appeal. Whether you are a casual or a hardcore GTA V fan, there is something to appreciate for just about everyone. These are 5 things you didn't know you could do in GTA V.
Grand Theft Auto v gives players a lot of options to enjoy the game. However, there are a lot of crazy things you probably didn't know you could do.
There's a reason Grand Theft Auto V made billions of dollars; It stands out in the crowded open world genre.
They never added anything like stock market, gambling, or single-player DLC, but they did leave a lot of nuance behind that gave the game lasting appeal. Whether you're a casual or hardcore GTA V fan, there's something to appreciate for almost everyone. Here are five things you didn't know you could do in GRAND Theft Auto V.
Despite its incredible scale and gameplay depth, Grand Theft Auto v's greatest strength is Rockstar's attention to small details. Whether environmental problems, such as the role of sweat soaked clothes, or NPC's reaction to the problem, there is a quite useful to use, for players to make millions in just a few minutes as repeatedly to a sunken wreck, regenerate the amount of funds collection, but the door is shut, you have to look a bit harder to find new and exciting things to do. Most of the examples in this article were discovered by intrepid in-game travelers who won't take no for an answer and will happily push the boundaries of normal behavior just to see what the results are. They are the Popsicle lickers of life, and we salute them. Rockstar also has some activities that are widely publicized but not publicly announced, like hiding in the bushes to hide from the police, or taking selfies, but they're too obvious for this list. We're more interested in stacking things you might not be aware of, like the ability to mess with your own playable characters with a simple environment decision...
If you love finding secrets in video games, look no further than 2013's Grand Theft Auto V. Whether it's movie references, video game Easter Eggs, or pure production secrets, there's a lot to explore and learn about Rockstar's ambitious open-world action game.
Because we all know about Ufos and Bigfoot references, we decided to take some of GRAND Theft Auto's biggest secrets a step further and bring them to light. Here are five things you probably didn't know about Grand Theft Auto V.
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