These Legos are strange, to say the least. Unfortunately, here are some we'll never see again.
The decade could be described by the word "controversy" -- you've certainly seen it in the entertainment industry, but who would have thought it would leak into our Legos? Ok, maybe I'm speaking a little too soon -- Lego didn't get caught up in TMZ-style gossip in 2018, but the toy company has received a lot of backlash over the years for what they call controversial toys.
Lego has battled controversy since it was founded in 1932, whether it's bricks that offend certain groups of people or those that parents think are too evil for their children. Some controversy seems reasonable, especially when you're staring at a set of scenes that are very reminiscent of a past camp (yes... They have been there once.
You might raise an eyebrow or two if these toys showed up on the shelves of your local toy store. But some of the scenes are Mired in hidden controversy, known only to diehard Lego fans, such as when some scenes were severely underproduced in the early 2000s as Lego was on the brink of financial collapse. Today, however, we're not only taking a look at scenes that might not be made in 2018, but scenes that have received a fan backlash for being poorly designed or very cheap. Lego is a company that prides itself on the quality of its products, so it's shocking to see how over the years their releases have surpassed dollar store quality, so let's take a look at what Lego offers even worse.
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