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The Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies
The Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies

rank: Easy

tags: Talented Actors



Arnold Schwarzenegger, who spans sports, entertainment and politics, is a model of motivation and success around the world. as one of the most influential bodybuilders in the world, he has set a benchmark and example for countless fitness enthusiasts. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger, an American Hollywood actor, knew who he was as soon as he heard his name. A movie "the Terminator" made him popular. In 1970, he entered the film circle. Schwarzenegger's films were basically tough guys, boxing to flesh, and every action was like special effects, and it was a legend that such a movie star finally entered the political arena as governor. 

So what are Schwarzenegger's most classic movies? 

Apart from the well-known Schwarzenegger Terminator, how many Schwarzenegger classic movies do you know? 

The Terminator in 1984 established Schwarzenegger's film career. 

The film has too many doomed elements with Schwarzenegger. 

The producer originally preferred the football star O.J. 

Simpson (the one who killed Simpson's wife) starred in the robot killer of the future, but James Cameron believes Simpson lacks a sense of the future. 

"at first, I was hesitant about this villain." 

Schwarzenegger recalled that he had just become famous for Conan the Barbarian, "but Cameron changed my mind with a lunch." 

In the film, the characteristics of Schwarzenegger that were once considered a disadvantage in the industry are seamlessly integrated with the future warrior: slightly exaggerated strong muscles, dull facial lines, slightly accented English and slightly blunt performances. 

After the Terminator was released, they all became Schwarzenegger's exclusive personal tags. 

The period from 1988 to 1997 is regarded as the "golden age" of Schwarzenegger. 

In 1997, he starred as the villain in Batman and Robin, raking in $25 million in just five weeks of filming. 

In the 1990s, Hollywood stars were the only ones who were willing to spend a lot of money for them. 

In the past decade, the disenchantment of star effect, the change of film categories, the tightening of investment and the downturn of economic environment have already made the era of star king a thing of the past. 

Behind the legend is his ordinary starting point in life, a high degree of self-discipline for 50 years, and a high degree of dedication to his goals. 

Born in an Austrian town overshadowed by World War II, Schwarzenegger started his bodybuilding career at a time when people didn't know what a gym was. 

He has won Mr. Global for bodybuilding five times, Mr. Olympia for seven times, and has written six books on fitness. 

When he first came to the United States, he trained and made fitness videos while attending night classes, while making bricks and tiles with friends to make a living. 

"I took an acting class for three years and learned how to act. 

I also take a language training class to practice how to speak standard English. " 

Schwarzenegger recalls. 

The continuous investment after these scenes supported his acting career. 

As long as he does nothing but stands there, like a Terminator, there is no other person on the planet who looks more like or acts more like him. 

Having said that, you still want to think of Schwarzenegger's classic movies. Let's take a look at Schwarzenegger's classic movies with

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