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Correct Answer: Harrison Ford
One of the AFI Heroes-What is Indiana Jones' real name in the movie?

Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr. is a fictional character who appeared in the adventure film "Indiana Jones" by director George Lucas. He is also the protagonist of the game. His typical image is Harrison. Ford played a cowboy costume with a cowboy hat and a whip.

Jones was born in Princeton, New Jersey, USA on July 1, 1899. His father was Henry Walton Jones, Sr., a medieval philologist of Scottish origin. He became interested in history under his influence. He studied archeology at the University of Chicago and holds a PhD title. In addition to an adventure career, he is officially a lifelong archaeology professor and can speak 27 languages ​​including Chinese. The most feared animal is the snake. As for the original name of Henry Jones, Jr., the fourth episode is translated as "Little Henry Jones". Indiana was their dog's name, and Jones himself didn't like others to call him "Second King", so after the dog died, Indiana became his nickname. In addition, Jones participated in the Boy Scouts as a boy. Jones has a son named Henry Jones III, who appeared in the fourth episode and played the main role. Middle-aged Indiana Jones has been starring Hollywood star Harrison Ford. In addition, childhood, youth, and old age Indiana Jones has other actors.

Movies: The most famous image of Jones comes from a movie that first appeared in the 1980s, in the movie trilogy "Indiana Jones", "Indiana Jones: Legend of the Devil's Palace", "Indiana Jones 3: Jihad" In, Jones is starred by Harrison Ford (played by River Phoenix as a teenager), Jones' father is played by Sean Connery, written by George Lucas and directed by Spielberg, winning both Great reputation. The fourth episode of the current movie series "Indiana Jones 4: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was released on May 22, 2008.

Television: In the 1992-1996 TV series "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" (The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles), the actors who played Indiana Jones were Corey Carrier (10 years old) and Sean Patrick Fornery (16 years old), Harrison Ford (50 years old), George Hall (93 years old).

From the beginning of the movie, works with "Indiana Jones" as the protagonist gradually expanded to TV series, novels, animation, video games and so on. According to the complete story line based on film and television, the Indiana Jones series currently consists of 26 chapters, of which the first 22 chapters are TV series, chapters 23-25 ​​are the most famous movie 3 parts, and chapter 26 is the first chapter. 4 movies "Indiana Jones 4: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

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