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Crimson Forest

This new addition of forest biomes adds life to an otherwise desolate world. The Crimson Forest is one of the two forests you'll find in the underworld. Here, you can chop down the deep red fungus in the shape of a tree. They are made from deep red stems which can then be made like wood and have a beautiful pink color.

When planted on dark red nylium blocks, dark red fungus trees will grow from small dark red fungi. The block is similar to Netherrack, with red grass added to it. If you mine the block without the Silk Touch magic tool, the block reverts to normal nether. But with Silk Touch, you can mine Nylium and even bring the cube back to the world above to plant more crimson fungus trees.

Similar to the previous biomes, you can find underworld strongholds and remnant strongholds in the Crimson Forest.

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