What does the Respawn Anchor do?
Correct Answer: It doesn't work.

There is no doubt that part of the inspiration has something to do with the implementation of the lower update. 

All comprehensive additions to the lower world will only appear in the updated blocks-which means you have to travel to the outermost periphery you have explored to put your eyes and angled hands on the latest features. 

Respawn Anchor will certainly help you achieve your goals. 

Then again, you can make your way of life with our guide on how to reset the void more easily. 

The working principle of rebirth anchor. 

The Rebirth Anchor allows players to set rebirth points in the lower world, just like setting a bed in the main world. 

And, similar to what happens when you try to place a bed in a lower or terminal dimension, it explodes if you try to set a live rebirth anchor to your rebirth point in the main world. 

To work, your rebirth anchor must be recharged by using fluorite on it. 

The Respawn Anchor can hold up to four recharges, and one recharge will be consumed each time it is reborn. 

Please keep in mind that if you try to load a rebirth anchor with something more than four, charging rates, something explodes. 

Yes, it explodes easily. 

Think of Respawn Anchor as Note 7 when it first appeared; it's absolutely useful, you have to keep recharging, but it's always possible that it burns spontaneously into a fiery forgetfulness.

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