The Jetsons is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It was initially aired on ABC during prime time from September 23, 1962 to March 17, 1963, and then broadcast on rebroadcasts through a joint release. From 1985 to 1987, a new series was produced as part of the "Interesting World" in the Hanna-Barbera neighborhood. The original TV series consisted of 24 episodes. It was broadcast on ABC’s Sunday night on September 23, 1962. The prime time rebroadcast lasted until September 22, 1963. This was the first ABC broadcast in color. Show. The program is always produced in color and broadcast in black and white during the first two quarters. After airing during prime time, the show was broadcast on dozens of Saturday mornings for decades, starting with the ABC of the 1963-64 season, and then on CBS and NBC. From 1985 to 1987, new drama series were produced for joint use by enterprises. The 1990 movie "Jason: The Movie" became the series ending of the TV show. is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It was initially aired on ABC during prime time from September 23, 1962 to March 17, 1963, and then broadcast on rebroadcasts through a joint release. From 1985 to 1987, a new series was produced as part of the "Interesting World" in the Hanna-Barbera neighborhood. The original TV series consisted of 24 episodes. It was broadcast on ABC’s Sunday night on September 23, 1962. The prime time rebroadcast lasted until September 22, 1963. This was the first ABC broadcast in color. Show. The program is always produced in color and broadcast in black and white during the first two quarters. After airing during prime time, the show was broadcast on dozens of Saturday mornings for decades, starting with the ABC of the 1963-64 season, and then on CBS and NBC. From 1985 to 1987, new drama series were produced for joint use by enterprises. The 1990 movie "Jason: The Movie" became the series ending of the TV show. is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It was initially aired on ABC during prime time from September 23, 1962 to March 17, 1963, and then broadcast on rebroadcasts through a joint release. From 1985 to 1987, a new series was produced as part of the "Interesting World" in the Hanna-Barbera neighborhood. The original TV series consisted of 24 episodes. It was broadcast on ABC’s Sunday night on September 23, 1962. The prime time rebroadcast lasted until September 22, 1963. This was the first ABC broadcast in color. Show. The program is always produced in color and broadcast in black and white during the first two quarters. After airing during prime time, the show was broadcast on dozens of Saturday mornings for decades, starting with the ABC of the 1963-64 season, and then on CBS and NBC. From 1985 to 1987, new drama series were produced for joint use by enterprises. The 1990 movie "Jason: The Movie" became the series ending of the TV show.
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