The 100 is an American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama television series that premiered on March 19, 2014, on The CW and ended on September 30, 2020. The series, developed by Jason Rothenberg, is loosely based on the novel series of the same name by Kass Morgan.In the second season, forty-eight of the remaining detainees are captured and taken to Mount Weather by the Mountain Men. The Mountain Men are transfusing blood from imprisoned grounders as an anti-radiation treatment as their bodies have not adapted to deal with the remaining radiation on Earth.In the third season, Alpha Station renamed Arkadia, comes under new management when Pike, a former teacher, and mentor on the Ark, is elected as chancellor and begins a war with the grounders. Pike kills an encampment of grounder warriors while they sleep, which further damages their already fragile relationship with the grounders. In the fourth season, hundreds of nuclear reactors around the world are melting down due to decades of neglect that will result in the majority of the planet becoming uninhabitable. Clarke and the others search for ways to survive the coming wave of radiation. In the fifth season, six years after the meltdown of the nuclear reactors, a prisoner transport ship arrives in the only green spot left on Earth, where Clarke and Madi, a Nightblood grounder who also survived the wave of radiation that swept the planet after the meltdown, have been living. Those who survived in space and in the bunker have returned safely on the ground.
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