Survivalcraft Or LastCraft Survival?
Correct Answer: LastCraft Survival
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Minecraft Earth Or Block Fortress: Empires?

LastCraft Survival is a post-apocalyptic pixel shooter/crafting game that plays like a mashup of Minecraft and the Borderlands franchise. And it’s pretty cool. You have an explorable, open-world desert full of zombies and ramshackle buildings where you forage for supplies and lay waste to the undead while crafting whatever equipment you need.

There are story missions, multiple game modes like Survival and Team Deathmatch, and, of course, its vast sandbox desert to run around in, exploring, shooting, building. All in all, it’s a fresh take on survivalcraft and pixel shooters that blends good elements of both franchises, which goes a long way towards forgiving its surprisingly long loading times.

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