"Star Trek" is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry (Gene Roddenberry), which tells the adventures of the starship "American Star" Enterprise and its crew. It was later renamed "Star Trek: The Original Series" to distinguish its performance in the media franchise. The series was produced by Norway Productions, Desilu Productions and Paramount Television from September 1966 to December 1967 from January 1968 to June 1969. "Star Trek" was broadcast on NBC from September 8, 1966 to June 3, 1969, and was actually first broadcast on the Canadian CTV network on September 6, 1966. "Star Trek" Nielsen's ratings on NBC were very low, so it was cancelled by the Internet after three seasons and 79 episodes. A few years later, the series became very popular in the broadcast syndicate, and remained so throughout the 1970s, and gained the status of a cult classic and its continuous influence on popular culture. "Star Trek" finally gave birth to a franchise, including eight TV series, 13 feature films and numerous books, games and toys, and is now widely regarded as one of the most popular and influential TV series of all time.
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